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All images, web site design elements, text, graphics, logos, buttons, icons, other content, the presentation, selection and arrangement thereof, and all software Copyright © 2015, ATA Egypt Travel, Inc. 8 Abdel Reheem Sabry St, Dokky – Giza – Egypt – All rights reserved.
2. USE OF SITE. You may only use this site to browse the content, make inquires to ATA Egypt Travel, legitimate reservations or purchases and shall not use this site for any other purposes, including without limitation, to make any speculative, false or fraudulent reservation. This site and the content provided in this site may not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed without the written permission of ATA Egypt TRAVEL, except that you may download, display and print one copy of the materials presented on this site on a single computer for your personal, non-commercial use only. ‘Deep-linking’, ’embedding’ or using analogous technology is strictly prohibited unless specifically authorized in writing. Unauthorized use of this site and/or the materials contained on this site may violate applicable copyright, trademark or other intellectual property laws or other laws. You must retain all copyright and trademark notices, including any other proprietary notices, contained in the materials. The use of such materials on any other web site or in any environment of networked computers is prohibited. You are prohibited from posting or transmitting any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, inflammatory, pornographic or profane material or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law.
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4. PRIVACY. You have read the ATA Egypt Travel Privacy Policy https://ata-tours.net/privacy-policy-statment , the terms of which are incorporated herein, and agree that the terms of such policy are reasonable. You consent to the use of any information submitted to ATA Egypt Travel by ATA Egypt Travel and/or its third party providers and distributors in accordance with the terms of and for the purposes set forth in the ATA Egypt Travel Privacy Policy.
5. EXCLUSION OF WARRANTY. ATA Egypt travel land any third party providers and distributors make no warranty of any kind regarding this site and/or any materials provided on this site, all of which are provided on an “as is” basis. ATA Egypt travel and any third party providers and distributors do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, currency or reliability of any of the content or data found on this site and such parties expressly disclaim all warranties and conditions, including implied warranties and conditions of merchant ability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement, and those arising by statute or otherwise in law or from a course of dealing or usage of trade.
6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. ATA Egypt travel assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for, any damages to, or viruses that may infect your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to, use of, or browsing in this site or your downloading of any materials, data, text, images, video, audio or other material from the site. In no event shall ATA Egypt travel or any third party providers or distributors be liable for any injury, loss, claim, damage, or any special, exemplary, punitive, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind (including, but not limited to lost profits or lost savings), whether based in contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise, which arises out of or is in any way connected with (i) any use of this site or content found herein, (ii) any failure or delay (including, but not limited to the use of or inability to use any component of this site for reservations or ticketing), or (iii) the performance or non performance by ATA Egypt travel or any third party providers or distributors, even if such party has been advised of the possibility of damages to such parties or any other party.
7. INDEMNIFICATION. You shall defend and indemnify ATA Egypt Travel and any third party providers and distributors and their officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any claim, cause of action or demand, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, brought third parties as a result of your use of this site.
8. LINKS. This site contains links to other web sites which are provided solely as a convenience to you and are not necessarily an endorsement by ATA Egypt Travel its third party providers or distributors of the contents of such other web sites. Neither ATA Egypt Travel nor any third party provider or distributor shall be responsible for the content of any other web sites and make no representation or warranty regarding any other web sites or the contents or materials on such web sites. If you decide to access other web sites or participate in any offers or programs via such web sites, you do so at your own risk.
9. SUBMISSIONS. “Submissions” means all comments, feedback, suggestions, photos, e-mail and similar information or materials that you submit to ATA Egypt Travel regarding the services of ATA Egypt Travel. Submissions will not be confidential and will become the property of ATA Egypt Travel upon submission to ATA Egypt Travel. By providing any such Submissions, you agree to assign to ATA Egypt Travel, at no charge, all worldwide rights, title and interest in copyrights and other intellectual property rights to the Submissions. You represent and warrant that any Submission you provide to ATA Egypt Travel will be complete and accurate. You acknowledge that you are responsible for the Submissions that you provide, and that you, not ATA Egypt Travel, have full responsibility for the Submissions, including their legality, reliability, appropriateness, originality and copyright. ATA Egypt Travel does not prescreen or monitor any Submissions as a matter of policy.
10. RELATIONSHIP. Your use of this site is independent of ATA Egypt Travel and not as an employee, agent, partner for any purpose.
11. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement and its performance shall be governed by the Egyptian law, in all questions and controversies arising out of your use of this site and this Agreement.
12. ASSIGNMENT. You may not assign, convey, subcontract or delegate your rights, duties or obligations hereunder.
13. MODIFICATION. ATA Egypt Travel may at any time modify these terms and conditions and your continued use of this site will be conditioned upon the terms and conditions in force at the time of your use.
14. ADDITIONAL TERMS. Additional terms and conditions may apply to reservations, purchases of goods and services and other uses of portions of this site, and you agree to abide by such other terms and conditions.
15. SEVERABILITY. These terms and conditions shall be deemed severable. In the event that any provision is determined to be unenforceable or invalid, such provision shall nonetheless be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, and such determination shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other remaining provisions.
16. HEADINGS. The heading used in these Terms and Conditions are included by convenience only and will not limit or otherwise affect these Terms and Conditions.
17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. These terms and conditions, together with those incorporated herein or referred to herein constitute the entire agreement between us relating to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any prior understandings or agreements (whether oral or written) regarding the subject matter, and may not be amended or modified except in writing or by making such amendments or modifications available on this site.
ATA Egypt Travel respects the privacy of its customers and understands the importance of privacy to visitors to our web site. We collect and store information so that we can efficiently provide travel-related services to our users. This privacy statement is designed to help you understand what information we gather and what we do with the information.
Users have the option of submitting registration information to ATA Egypt Travel. “Registration Information” means personal and billing information you submit when registering with ATA Egypt Travel for newsletters, specials, updates, or additional services available through ATA Egypt Travel. The Registration Information you submit will be used by ATA Egypt Travel for purposes of operating ATA Egypt Travel and any other internal business purpose of ATA Egypt Travel reasonably related to such operations. ATA Egypt Travel reserves the right to, at its sole discretion, disclose to third parties certain information contained in our registration files, but under no circumstances will we disclose your credit card information without your prior consent, except as required by law.
ATA Egypt Travel strongly believes in protecting the privacy of children online (we define “children” as minors younger than 13). As suchATAEgypt Travel does not knowingly collect or use any personal information from children or knowingly allow children to register with us.
While ATA Egypt travel has safeguards in place to prevent unauthorized access or interception, there is no absolute guarantee of security. In the event of an interception or unauthorized access, ATA Egypt travel shall not be responsible for such interception or unauthorized access, or any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages (including lost profits) suffered by a customer or user, even if ATA Egypt travel has previously been advised of the possibility of such damages. ATA Egypt travel does not warrant, either expressly or impliedly, that the information provided by any customer shall be free from interception or unauthorized access, and does not provide any implied warranties of merchant ability and fitness for a particular purpose.
In transmitting electronic communications to ATA Egypt travel, the user of this web site is requesting that ATA Egypt travel send information to or contact the user regarding our products and/or services. ATA Egypt travel will make every effort to accommodate reasonable requests for information pertaining to our products and services in a timely manner but makes no guarantees for the timeliness of such responses. The user should be aware that ATA Egypt travel is not responsible for delay, non-delivery or non-receipt of any information exchanged between ATA Egypt travel and the user or vice-versa due to internet connectivity problems, man-made or natural disasters, force majeure, computer malfunctions or incorrect contact information (including but not limited to e-mail addresses, mailing addresses, telephone, cellular, pager or fax numbers) supplied by the user.
We reserve the right, at any time and without notice, to add to, change, update or modify this Privacy Policy, simply by posting such change, update or modification on our web site. If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it. Any such change, update or modification will be effective immediately upon posting on the web site.
Last updated on 15/04/2016.
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