Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil Museum
The Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil Museum is a museum in Greater Cairo, in the Giza area, Egypt. It is located in a palace built in the early 20th century.
The museum was opened on 23 July 1962, and dedicated to the memory of Mohammed Mahmoud Khalil Pasha and his wife Emiline Lock.
In 1971 it was sectioned by the government of Egypt; President Anwar El-Sadat used it for executive offices. The palace was returned to museum use in 1993.
Among the great artists works endowed by Mohammed Mahmoud Khalil and his wife are those of Paul Gauguin, Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, Auguste Rodin and Vincent van Gogh. The Museum houses a fine collection of Impressionist paintings, mainly collected before 1928, which alone rivals most European National Collections.
The museum has a poor reputation for looking after its assets. A van Gogh painting known both as Poppy Flowers, also known as Vase and Flowers and Vase with Viscariawas cut from its frame and stolen from the museum in August 2010. Previously, it had been stolen from the museum’s temporary location in 1978, and recovered two years later in Kuwait. Nine paintings of the 19th century Egyptian ruler Ibrahim Pasha were stolen in 2009, and were found 10 days later dumped outside
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